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A short Bio

I was born on April 1st, as was my favorite author Anne McCaffrey. (Some say that date explains a lot about me)
Writing from the time I could hold a pencil, I was published in various small magazines through the years, but I was never brave enough to actually submit a book for publication until the unexpected death of my husband in 2017. The loss of my mother the next day was the impetus to start seriously writing every day, blogging about my journey as a new widow.

I currently live in Wisconsin with my elder cat, and am visited fairly regularly by grandchildren, other family, and friends. It’s just Mia and I, two old ladies living our best life in our little house. Mia sleeps in the window in the sun, next to me, while I work on the computer. Life is good!

The Books

Widows and Widowers

My first book, Widow’s Walk: How My World Ended And What Happened After, was published in 2019 by Amazon Press. This is the journal of my life while learning to be a widow, and to be alone. I had never lived alone before, so there were many things I had to figure out.

Widow’s Tears of Sorrow was written 3 years later. I was still grieving, but had come to terms with it. Containing 45 poems, 42 of them for each year of our married life, and three for mom, it may make you cry, but it is the one that shows I am moving forward. It took a lot to make that first step forward, but I did.

For everyone

Days of Daze and Night Maze are each collections of poems written over the years. Not long poems, but short little comments about what is going on in life, from June Bugs to Small Town Reporter, from More Wolves to Field Tales, there is something in these two books for everyone.


Tears of Pain, Tears of Joy: One Mother’s Story is designed differently. Illustrated by Peggy McDowell, it contains poems I wrote when I was 17 and first found out I was pregnant. At the end are poems I wrote 25 years later, when the second grandchild was due. You can see the progression of my writing with the poems. The Editor and I also set this one up differently and used journal entries in between each poem. Check it out!

tears of pain cover

The Children’s Books

Sweet Sour Cherries is my first children’s book, although not my last. This one came to me while watching rabbits play in my back yard. Sweet Sour Cherries is my first book with illustrator Kim Hanza, who did a fantastic job fleshing out Mrs. Longears and her children Penelope, Robbie, and the cause of her troubles, Ralph. Will he ever learn?

Five Friends Deep is my second children book, and came to mind while I was searching through my old childhood toys to give to my grandchildren. Told in rhyming story mode, it is a book for any child who loves their stuffed animals and makes up stories about them.

This is the Bear is my first foray into picture books. This one was beautifully illustrated by my friend Peggy McDowell. The bear is on a mission- what is it, and will he accomplish it? Perfect for teaching children that friends can be any size, shape or color and still be friends.

This is the Bear book cover

Best Magic of All, my next children’s book, was my first step into fantasy, and takes place in Gray Valley. Rose Gets Her Name and Gluggle Finds a Friend are also set in Gray Valley, and are my last two children’s books- so far. They were all three illustrated by Kayla Olson- Surface. These three are the beginnings of a five book series- I hope. Toe Stubber, Rose and Gluggle are all looking for answers to questions- how to deal with bullies, how to ask for help, and how to make friends. Will they find the answers they need?

The Cookbook Memoirs

Through the Garden Window: Season of Harvest has been the most fun to write, because I was able to go through so many memories. (The Through the Garden Window series were illustrated by a friend, Peggy McDowell.) I loved going through my mother’s, grandmothers’, and great grandmothers’ recipe boxes for this series. The recipes are copied in the back of each book, as well as printed out in more readable format. What IS going on in the garden?

Through the Garden Window: Family Memories is full of memories of growing up on the farm, and the memories of the food consumed during my childhood days. Growing up in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s means I have wonderful memories of both my grandmothers and my great grandmothers cooking- and access to their recipes, which I share.

Through the Garden Window: Season of Harvest 2 are the garden items I couldn’t place in the first Seasons of Harvest Book. There are just too many things out there to harvest to contain them all in one book, so here come the second book about harvesting from the garden and what you can do with that harvest.

Through the Garden Window: Year of Celebrations is full of wonderful holidays we do not often think about, such as National Pie Month! This edition has TWO recipes for each little story. I leaned heavily on my grandmother’s and great grandmother’s recipes for this one, as well as my mother’s recipe box. What celebration would you like to cook for?

In conclusion

Other than my books, I have done nothing note worthy. Well, I did give birth to two sons, who had six fantastic grandchildren, and a great grandchild! I think their father and grandmother are proud of all of them, looking down.

I moved to Wisconsin last year, where I live on my own, in my own little house, with friends coming to help out as needed. Life is good.

Thanks for visiting for awhile. Come back any time, or join my Facebook page.